Every time you’re an entrepreneur you’re putting your security at risk. You put your financial freedom at risk, but if you don’t do it, I think that’s the biggest risk of all.
Overcoming risk with confidence
As businesses grow, so do opportunities. Arlene shares some of the lessons she’s learned over her years as an entrepreneur, along with 5 tips for turning risk into reward.
When you get that opportunity to export, how do you do it? Do you raise money? Sub debt? Equity? EDC secured the line with a traditional lender and away we went.
Starting success with exporting abroad
Building a business is all about overcoming risk. Arlene speaks with Dragon’s Den alumnus OMG Candy about their plans for international growth.
Exporting also means taking risks. But we can manage those risks. [...] EDC is here just for that. They offer programs and provide support.
Go from risk to reward
Growing a business internationally comes with new challenges. You can easily overcome these challenges by surrounding yourself with the right partners. Speaker, writer and famous businesswoman Danièle Henkel shares her advice for entrepreneurs interested in exporting.
“Entrepreneurs are sometimes characterized as risk crazy. But what we really are is risk friendly.”
Original Dragon Arlene Dickinson shares insights from her own experiences, along with proven tips for taking your business global.
EDC helps Canadian companies overcome the risks of international business. A financial Crown corporation, we provide financing, insurance, bonding, trade knowledge and matchmaking connections to help Canadian companies seize opportunities, anywhere in the world.