We aspire to strengthen communities across Canada and around the world, and to create a positive impact that extends beyond our day-to-day business.
Charitable donations
EDC donated $66,656 to 34 charitable organizations across Canada in support of close to 100 employees and board members who volunteered more than 2,190 hours in 2019.
Community service leave
Seventy-four employees made use of EDC’s Community Service Leave, volunteering their time over 62 days to the charitable causes closest to their hearts.
Charitable campaign
Employees gave $188,525 to United Way Centraide Canada, HealthPartners and other registered charities through our annual Workplace Charitable Campaign.
Community investment day
More than 1,400 EDC employees volunteered half a day in support of 60 not-for-profit organizations in 10 Canadian communities and in four other countries.
CARE Canada partnership
In 2019, EDC and CARE Canada celebrated 10 years of humanitarian partnership and announced the renewal of the Beyond Exports program for another five years. Since 2009, our organizations have partnered to deliver business expertise and financial support to strengthen CARE’s work of delivering economic programming in developing countries. To date, 42 EDC employees have been seconded to nine CARE offices around the world.