Megan Telford headshot, EDC
Megan Telford

Megan Telford was appointed to EDC’s Board of Directors on June 21, 2024. She is the Executive Vice President, Strategy, Energy Transition and Human Resources at Hydro One, responsible for strategy, planning, partnerships, sustainability, indigenous relations and human resources and is head of the organization’s Remote Communities Inc.   Ms. Telford was previously the Chief Human Resources Officer at the company.

Before joining Hydro One in 2020, Ms. Telford held the position of Head of Human Resources at Toronto Dominion (TD) Insurance and also held a number of increasingly senior roles at TD Bank since joining in 2007. Prior to TD, Ms. Telford practiced labour and employment law at a national law firm and worked at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands.

Ms. Telford holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Relations from McMaster University, a Master of Industrial Relations and Juris Doctor from Queen’s University and she was a law clerk for Justices Stone and Strayer at the Federal Court of Appeal.

Date modified: 2024-06-26