Global Financial Markets
Keep track of the international markets that matter to your business. Get the latest financial and macroeconomic information for both developed and emerging markets.
Keep track of the international markets that matter to your business. Get the latest financial and macroeconomic information for both developed and emerging markets.
Commodity prices can impact exporting, global trade and your business, so it’s important to be prepared for the challenges ahead.
EDC Mike Brownhill on how Canadian car and car part manufacturers can enter the Mexican market.
Canadian exporters must diversify and adapt to stay competitive.
Less waste, higher efficiency among ESG benefits.
Learn how you can position your products for exporting into halal markets
Learn how to protect your profits from the impacts of currency risk and fluctuating exchange rates
Understand how an international marketing strategy provides the edge to drive growth.
Learn how to tailor your marketing strategy to each global target market
Find out how ECBVerdyol avoided tying up assets when hedging against FX risk.