Buyer Financing solutions empower your international expansion

Export Development Canada (EDC) can provide financing to international buyers to purchase Canadian goods and services, through direct loans, or in collaboration with approved financial institutions.

How Buyer Financing works

Wooden container with the Canadian flag logo being exported on a truck

For your international buyer to qualify, you must provide EDC with a copy of your export contract and their credit information. We’ll work with you and your buyer to determine the best way to increase their access to financing.

EDC’s Buyer Financing Guarantee provides up to 100% guarantee on 85% of a commercial contract to approved Canadian or international financial partners. The guarantee covers term financing transactions not exceeding $25 million. Its parameters are aligned to the financing principles of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development) Consensus Arrangement.

In some situations, EDC can lend directly to international buyers by offering customized solutions for transactions of $25 million or more.

Who’s eligible

EDC can provide Buyer Financing to qualifying international buyers of Canadian goods and services. Several factors determine eligibility, including your customer’s credit rating, transaction details, and other factors, including non-credit risks such as environmental, social and governance practices.

The EDC Advantage

Handshake below a dollar sign

We’re here to help you win international contracts

  • EDC can help you offer competitive, flexible and extended payment terms to your international buyers.
  • EDC can enable you to offer a financing option with a contract bid when required.
  • You can improve your cash flow with payment upfront, using our Buyer Financing solutions.
Group of people professionally dressed

Working with EDC gives you a partner with international expertise

  • We offer international expertise to grow beyond Canada’s borders.
  • We provide access to international business knowledge and networks.
Pair of hands giving a large single dollar coin

Benefits for your international buyer

  • With extended payment terms, your international buyer doesn’t have to fund the full cost of the contract upfront.
  • Buyer Financing solutions provide favourable alternative and diversified financing options to your international buyer.
  • Your buyer’s cost of carrying and amortizing the loan is reduced and better matched to asset depreciation.


Find out if our Buyer Financing solutions are a match for your international buyer

If you’re an existing customer, contact your EDC relationship manager to discuss.

If you’re new to EDC,

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Or give us a call at 1-800-229-0575 and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Date modified: 2024-07-05