In collaboration with StrikeUP Canada, StrikeUP 2023: Growing Forward, a digital conference for women, is hosting a webinar for women entrepreneurs from small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who want to learn how to grow their business globally. The webinar will focus on key partners and programs Canadian companies can access for support at different stages of their export journey.
Selling into a new market is a proven way to grow your business. Research shows that companies that export generate more revenue, are more innovative and more competitive. We understand that doing business abroad can be daunting, but with the right community of advisors, partners and programs, your business can succeed on the international stage.
Our panel of women entrepreneurs will share their expert advice and practical tips on how to the access and enter new markets, including:
- How to develop a global business mindset
- How to develop a network with key partners and organizations in the Canadian trade ecosystem to set yourself up for success
- Why it’s important to develop a strong relationship with your lender and/or investors and other alternative approaches to access capital to grow your business
- Tips from exporters at different phases of their export journey
Our panel
