1,600 employees gather in Ottawa for the annual event to support national and local charities

Today, Export Development Canada (EDC) kicks off its Community Investment Day, an annual event that highlights the organization's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. Coordinated with Volunteer Ottawa, the day will see EDC employees come together to support over 40 local and national charities, with a goal of giving back to the communities where they live and work.

This year's Community Investment Day, EDC’s 8th annual, is set to be the largest yet, for both EDC and Volunteer Ottawa, with impressive participation and contributions, including:

  • Over 40 charities involved
  • More than 60 planned activities
  • 1,600 EDC employees set to participate
  • Approximately 4,800 total volunteer hours (1,600 participants x 3 hours each)
  • $20,000+ in direct donations pledged to several participating charities

EDC employees will participate in various volunteer activities, including making sandwiches for unhoused persons in support of The Ottawa Mission; landscaping and painting events in support of Ottawa Community Housing to revamp low-income communities; working with Indigenous Experiences to ready the land for the Summer Solstice festival; and donating blood and plasma through the Canadian Blood Services. There will also be an initiative to support the World Skills Employment Centre, where EDC President and CEO Mairead Lavery will be participating in Interview Roulette, which provides newcomers to Canada with interview experience to help them enter the workforce.

Lavery said, “Community Investment Day is a testament to our employees' generosity of spirit. By volunteering their time and talents, they not only support those in need but also foster a sense of camaraderie and purpose within EDC. This day showcases the heart of our organization, our corporate value of caring, and our commitment to giving back and making a positive impact in the world.”

Volunteer Ottawa, a not-for-profit that connects volunteers with community organizations who need their time and talent, was instrumental in planning and organizing EDC’s Community Investment Day. Lavery also added, “We extend our gratitude to the team at Volunteer Ottawa for their invaluable support and partnership, which made this Community Investment Day a success.”

Christine Trauttmansdorff, Volunteer Ottawa CEO, said about the events, “EDC’s Community Investment Day is one of the best days of the year on Ottawa’s volunteering calendar. Charities and non-profits across the city look forward to the arrival of hundreds of helping hands to take on tasks that include everything from painting and gardening to making sandwiches and cat toys. The smiles, energy, and community spirit that the volunteers bring to every assignment speaks volumes about the workplace culture at EDC. Volunteer Ottawa is honoured to once again be supporting this employer’s outstanding investment in good corporate citizenship and community engagement.” 

Beyond Community Investment Day, EDC employees are provided two community service days per year for volunteer work at the charity of their choice. Additionally, employees can apply through EDC’s Charitable Donations program for donations to the charities they support. For more information about the Community Investment program, please read our 2023 Integrated Annual Report.  

About Volunteer Ottawa

Volunteer Ottawa (VO) is a local non-profit that has been helping people make a meaningful difference in our city through volunteerism for over 65 years. VO's website is Ottawa’s go-to for all things volunteering, ready to support individuals who want to give back, charities in need of helping hands, and local employers ready to strengthen their community connections.  The VO Connect workplace volunteering program offers employers a flexible, customizable suite of services that create inspiring ways for staff to share their time and talent with others.

About EDC

Export Development Canada (EDC) is a financial Crown corporation dedicated to helping Canadian businesses make an impact at home and abroad. EDC has the financial products and knowledge Canadian companies need to confidently enter new markets, reduce financial risk and grow their business as they go from local to global. Together, EDC and Canadian companies are building a more prosperous, stronger and sustainable economy for all Canadians.

For more information and to learn how we can help your company, call us at 1-800-229-0575 or visit www.edc.ca.