Ever wonder if your business is missing out on a juicy tax credit or money you could use to hire staff?
Well, wonder no more. Introducing: Innovation Canada. It's your new one-stop-shop to find everything that governments across Canada can do to help you take your business or non-profit to the next level.
In about two minutes, the Innovation Canada platform will whittle down the nearly 1000 programs and services into a list of your top matches. And we're not just talking about innovation programs. You'll find it all: funding, loans, wage subsidies, expert advice — if government offers it, you'll find it here.
It's so simple to use, so you can just head on over. But if you want the inside scoop to help you get the best results, stay with me.
- No time? Get specific. Be precise about what you need and you'll get fewer — but far more relevant — matches.
- Don't want to miss out? Select everything in the "what I really need" section and leave the amounts blank in the money section.
- Under 40? Select "youth" when that question pops up. You're younger than you think.
- Run out of time? Use the email link on the top right of your results page to get a personalized link to your results. And we'll keep the results current for you, too.
Go ahead, check it out. And come back every now and again to see what's new; we're always adding new stuff, so take advantage of everything we can do for you.