Lawrence Lewis is member of the We Wai Kai Nation (Cape Mudge). He leads the largest First Nation FinTech, Elections and Digital Services company in Canada - OneFeather - a leading award-winning digital solution intended to redefine the modern Indigenous experience through innovation and technology.
Over the past 30 plus years Mr. Lewis has been working with First Nations, FN Agencies and all levels of government across Canada supporting First Nation development of governance, elections, and economic/business - always with a view to growing aboriginal communities, protecting aboriginal title and rights, and enhancing cultural and social values and priorities.
Mr. Lewis’ past experience includes a number of posts at senior/executive levels including Band Administrator – Cape Mudge; Director of Education – Tsawwassen First Nation; Special Advisor to Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education, Director of Operations – Hamatla Treaty Group; Director of Operations and Vice President – Bute Inlet Development Corp.; and independent Elections and Governance Contractor.
Mr. Lewis is the recipient of the 2014 AFOA BC – Band Administrator of the Year Award.
Mr. Lewis has completed the Directors Education Program through the Institute of Corporate Directors, and has previously completed other degrees and professional designations, including a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) along with other various other Diplomas in Governance and Public Administration, Business Leadership, Business Management, FN Schools Management, and International Trade.