Evaluating the market in Venezuela

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Country Risk Quarterly

Read the Country Risk Quarterly interactive guide for valuable insights on rapidly changing global markets, new opportunities and the latest political and economic risks that could affect your business.

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Global Export Forecast

Read the Global Export Forecast for expert insights from the EDC Economics team on the current trends influencing global trade and Canadian exporting.

Read the latest Government of Canada travel advisory for this market.

Business environment in Venezuela

Venezuela's excessive dependence on oil, high inflation, restrictive access to foreign exchange and ongoing nationalizations have increased the risk of doing business in the country. Accordingly, there has been a sharp decline in exporter and investor interest in this Andean market. The government has significantly increased its control over the country’s assets over the past decade. The business climate is turbulent, and President Maduro's administration has been openly hostile towards private capital and foreign direct investment. This situation is not expected to change over the short term.
  • Agriculture
  • Oil and Gas


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Date modified: 2018-05-14