Welcome to the landing page for EDC’s Annual Public Meeting. We invite you to watch the video messages below to learn more about our progress and performance.

Vivian Abdelmessih

Message from Vivian Abdelmessih, Board Chair

Download the full text

Mairead Lavery

Message from Mairead Lavery, President and CEO

Download the full text

Scott Moore

Message from Scott Moore,  Executive Vice-President, Finance & Chief Financial Officer 

Download the full text

Message from Vivian Abdelmessih, Board Chair

Download the full text


Message from Mairead Lavery, President and CEO

Download the full text


Message from Scott Moore, Executive Vice-President, Finance & Chief Financial Officer

Download the full text


Access our corporate reports

You will find information on our business strategies, performance measures, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices and more.

Contact us

If you have questions about EDC’s Annual Public Meeting, please contact us at media@edc.ca.


Year-End Press Release

Read EDC’s year-end press release for a summary of the corporation’s activities in 2023

2023 Integrated Annual Report 

Download the 2023 Integrated Annual Report for an in-depth look at how we are meeting our corporate goals and making progress on our 2030 strategy to make Canada and the world better through trade.

2023-2027 Corporate Plan

Download the 2023-2027 Corporate Plan for an overview of our business strategy, and performance measures, as well as our environmental, social and government (ESG) practices.


We want to hear from you!

Please send any questions on the Annual Public Meeting to media@edc.ca and you will receive a response within two business days.

Thank you for your interest and feedback.

Date modified: 2024-05-13