Engaging our stakeholders is an opportunity to ensure that our policies align with their expectations, consider a broad range of perspectives and reflect industry best practice.


Updated policies–2022 stakeholder input

EDC solicits our stakeholders, including our shareholder, customers, Board of Directors, ESG Advisory Council, civil society organizations, industry and trade associations, financial sector peers and members of the Canadian public, for constructive feedback on our environmental and social risk management practices.

In 2022, as part of our Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy review, EDC’s Board of Directors approved five updated policies

As part of the process, EDC invited stakeholders to offer input and constructive feedback on the following policies:

  1. Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy (2019)
  2. Environmental and Social Review Directive (2019)
  3. Climate Change Policy (including Thermal Coal Position) (2021)
  4. Human Rights Policy (2019)
  5. Transparency and Disclosure Policy (2020)

To assist stakeholders, we published a discussion paper that outlined some of the key issues, questions and proposals being considered in our review.

Submissions were emailed to ESRMPolicyReview@edc.ca during a 96-day comment period from January 24 to April 29, 2022.

Response paper
As part of the review process, we published a public paper responding to the feedback we received.

Summary of feedback
We also published a summary of stakeholder feedback (both written and verbal):

Written feedback
The following written stakeholder submissions were received:

Written stakeholder submissions are available in the official language in which they were made.

For questions about posted feedback, contact ESRMPolicyReview@edc.ca.




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Date modified: 2023-03-20