The ESG policies, reports and frameworks that guide our approach to responsible, sustainable business and are integral to how we support our customers.



Explore our policies, reports and other reference materials related to EDC’s environmental, social and governance practices.

EDC’s 2030 Strategy

Driven by our mandate, and guided by our vision and values, we aspire to be a powerful force for good for Canadians and the world – as leaders in international trade. Our 2030 Strategy is our blueprint.

2023 Integrated Annual Report

Discover how EDC performed in 2023 and what’s coming up next.

ESG survey: The SME perspective on sustainability

Discover key insights from 350 small- and medium-sized enterprises on how ESG/sustainability affects their business.

2021 EDC Materiality Assessment

Explore the issues deemed by our stakeholders to be most material to EDC and learn more about how we're putting our results into action.

Environmental and Social Risk Management Policy

EDC’s overarching policy that sets out our commitments and approaches for environmental and social risk management.

Environmental and Social Risk Management Guideline

Supports the application of the ESRM Policy.

Environmental and Social Review Directive

A requirement of the Export Development Act, the directive is one of the processes through which we manage environmental and social risks for project-related reviews. 

Sustainable Finance Framework

Learn how EDC defines and classifies sustainable finance, and reports, monitors and tracks our sustainable finance activities.

Sustainable Bond Framework

Bonds are a key tool for financing sustainable activities and businesses. Our Sustainable Bond Framework sets out the criteria that our green, social, sustainable and transition bonds can support.




Explore policies, reports and other reference materials related to environmental practices at EDC as we continue to pursue a path to net zero by 2050.

Climate Change Policy

Provides the strategic foundation of our commitments to address climate-related risks and opportunities through measurement, engagement, green financing, risk management systems and reporting.

Due Diligence Framework: Climate Change

Outlines how our policy commitments are integrated into our environmental and social risk assessment processes.

2023 Climate-Related Disclosure

An update on our climate risks, opportunities and net zero commitment.

Report: Exploring Canada’s Cleantech Sector

Read this EDC Economics report on the challenges and opportunities in this key market.

EDC Net Zero 2050 (2022)

This document updates our plan to achieve net zero by 2050 including steps, considerations and commitments.

EDC Net Zero 2050 (2021)

This document outlines the original commitment we made in 2021 to achieve net zero by 2050.

Sustainable Bond Impact Report

In 2022, we evolved our bond program, moving from a green bond framework to a sustainable bond framework. The new initiative continues to cover green bonds, while adding criteria to support the issuance of social bonds and transition bonds under its evolved structure.

EDC Guide: Create Your Own Climate Change Report

For certain products, we require customers in the upstream and downstream oil and gas sectors to produce and publish a climate change report aligned with the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We’ve developed a guide to help customers fulfill these reporting requirements.  

Annual report on the implementation of the Equator Principles

EDC is part of the growing list of international financial institutions committed to the Equator Principles, a financial industry benchmark for the determination, assessment and management of social and environmental risk in project financing. We report annually on our implementation.




Explore policies, reports and other reference materials related to social practices aimed at respecting human rights and building a more equitable and inclusive society.

Human Rights Policy

Drives our approach to human rights, including decision-making for the transactions we support and the actions we take.

Due Diligence Framework: Human Rights

Outlines how our policy commitments are integrated into our environmental and social risk assessment processes

Principles on Leverage and Remedy

Describes how our leverage and remedy commitments are put into practice.

Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains

This report outlines the steps taken in 2023 to prevent and reduce the risk of forced labour or child labour within EDC’s supply chain. 

Defence and Security Position Summary

Guides our due diligence and decision-making in the defence and security sector.

Guide for Canadian Companies: Apparel, Footwear and Textiles

This guide helps companies consider human rights when procuring goods or services from different suppliers in this sector.

2023 Human Rights Report

Highlights of EDC’s performance in 2023 and our future plans.



ESG Governance

Responsible business conduct is an integral part of our culture, reputation and ability to deliver value for Canadians. Learn more about our ESG governance policies and guidelines.

Transparency and Disclosure Policy

Sets out the framework for how we disclose information about our business in a manner that balances the confidentiality required by our customers with the information sought by interested Canadians.

Code of Conduct

All employees are expected to honour and comply with our Code of Conduct, which helps us navigate the complexities of the global trade environment.  

Anti-Corruption Policy Guidelines

Explains the measures we take in our due diligence process to align with legislation and international standards.



Agreements and memberships

EDC is guided by a number of agreements and standards that form the foundation of our view of best practices when it comes to ESG.

Learn more


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Date modified: 2024-08-23