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By the numbers

Measuring and monitoring our ESG performance is key to understanding how we’re progressing against our strategy and allowing us to evolve through data insights to make better decisions with greater impact. The metrics below show where we were at the end of 2023.



Today, we're one of the largest financiers of the cleantech sector in Canada and continue to pursue a path to net zero by 2050.

Graphic of wind turbine representing cleantech business facilitated by EDC


Cleantech business facilitated

Graphic of a green globe and a person representing our cleantech customers


Cleantech financial customers served

Picture of a hand holding a globe


Reduction in exposure to our six most carbon-intensive sectors since 2018

Graphic of globe and a green dollar symbol representing $84.9M in climate financing to developing countries


Climate finance provided in developing countries

Graphic of dollar sign and coins representing proceeds raised from EDC green bonds


Proceeds raised from our green bonds since 2014

Picture of building with chimney and leaf representing operational emissions


Megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy produced through green bond proceeds 



We’re taking deliberate action in our workplace, communities and customer relationships to help build a more equitable and inclusive society.  

Graphic of person and check box ticked representing transactions that underwent human rights screenings


Non-project transactions underwent enhanced human rights risk screenings

Graphic of woman speaking at a podium representing women-owned and -led business facilitated by EDC


Women-owned and -led business facilitated to date

Graphic of group of people with person in center of group representing Indigenous-owned and -led business facilitated by EDC


Indigenous-owned and -led business facilitated to date

Graphic of ticked check boxes representing EDC employees who identify as visible minorities


EDC employees identify as visible minorities

Graphic of woman and a gear for operations representing leadership roles held by women at EDC


Of leadership roles were held by women

Graphic of laptop and dollar symbol representing purchase orders with diverse suppliers


In procurement with diverse suppliers



Responsible business conduct is an integral part of our culture, reputation and ability to deliver value for Canadians.

Graphic of person presenting with a leaf on screen representing sustainable and responsible business onboarding


Of Board members hold a Competent Boards ESG designation

Graphic of a man and women at a table representing 50% or our Board of Directors are women


Of our Board of Directors are women

Graphic of group of people representing employees who have received financial crimes training


Of relevant employees received financial crimes training

Graphic of a hand holding a badge with a checkmark representing completion of code of conduct training


Of employees completed EDC’s Code of Conduct



Looking for more information?

For more details on our results and plans, read our 2023 Integrated Annual Report

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Date modified: 2024-06-07