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Evolving our trade ecosystem to function in a way that uses our natural resources wisely, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and makes our world more equitable requires significant investment. But it’s an investment worth making and one we're here to support. 

It’s also a big opportunity. It’s one of the ways Canadian businesses can innovate to achieve longer-term business growth and become more competitive on the global stage.


Part of our past and future

Sustainable finance has been a key part of our business for many years. We were the first Canadian financial institution to issue a green bond in 2014 and the first export credit agency to commit to net zero emissions by 2050. Today, we’re focused on making net zero across our business lines a reality and supporting Canadian businesses to be a part of that journey. Our sustainable finance solutions enable businesses to continue to grow while transitioning to more sustainable business practices and materializing their ESG objectives.

Our approach and solutions

Our approach revolves around our customers. Sustainable objectives are big and complex, meaning there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We work closely with our customers to develop solutions that will work for them and that will drive real results when it comes to reducing carbon emissions and creating a stronger, more equitable economy. Our solutions will continue to evolve alongside our customers, best practices, and the needs of society and the environment.

Transparency and reporting

It’s important that our stakeholders understand how we think about sustainable finance and how we track our progress. We are committed to accurately measuring and reporting on our initiatives in alignment with international best practices and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We provide this information in our integrated annual reports, as well as our annual green bond impact reports.

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Policies & reports

Explore our policies, reports and other reference materials related to sustainable finance at EDC.

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ESG   |   Risk management   |   Sustainable finance   | 
 Agreements and memberships   |   Materiality   |   ESG metrics


Date modified: 2024-06-07