The U.S., Mexico and Canada are among each other’s top customers. This means our trade is so deeply integrated and co-dependent that any change in the way we do business with each other would have significant impacts on all three countries.

Top export markets for Canadian products


Number one
  • The U.S. represents 72.6% of total Canadian exports
  • The U.S. is the largest market for all of our 10 provinces and 1 territory



A thriving partnership for all parties


#1 customer for the U.S.

Canada is top market for 32 of the 50 American (and the #2 market in 9 other states).


USD $7.256B

Value of sales from Canada to Mexico in 2016 (908% higher than in 1993)

Supporting employment


  • 2.2+ M Canadian Jobs | Number of Canadian jobs supported by the sales of goods and services to the U.S. in 2015
  • 55,201 Canadian jobs supported by exports to Mexico (2016)
  • 1.6 M American jobs | Number of American jobs supported by sales of goods and services to Canada in 2015
  • 1.2 M American jobs supported by exports to Mexico (2015)

Utilizing raw materials



Percentage of all products and services produced and sold between Canada and the U.S. that contain components or raw materials sourced from each country

17¢ for every $1

Amount of American raw material or components in products that Canada sells to the United States


Average of American components contained in vehicles manufactured in Canada and shipped to the U.S.

Energizing investment


#1 for U.S. investment

The U.S. is the first stop when Canadians want to establish operations outside of Canada.

#2 for Canadian investment

Canada is the second destination for American companies looking to invest outside their borders.


USD$14.8 B

Canada’s foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico (in stock) in 2015

#4 investor in Mexico

Canada is the fourth largest foreign investor in Mexico (after the USA, Spain and the Netherlands) between 2010 and March-2017

A win-win for all sides