How to make a declaration

Credit insurance help & support


If your policy requires you to declare your sales, based on the declaration frequency set out in your policy, a system notification will be sent informing you that your declaration is available for completion. If you receive a notification, follow these steps to declare your sales:

If you have multiple policies, for example both export and domestic policies, you may be required to submit multiple declarations.

1. Click on the Manage menu and select Declare Sales.

2. On the Declare List screen, click on the line item for the declaration period you want to complete and click on the Complete Declaration button.

If you have multiple policies, you can use the Filter option on the left-hand side to filter to the specific policy. Choose the policy number from the drop down and click Submit.

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3. Complete the Declaration Of Sales form and click on the Submit button.
Customers with a fixed premium policy need only enter their total insured sales for the given declaration time period.

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Customers with a pay-as-you-go policy need to enter sales for each country and province if (applicable) and specific payment terms for the given declaration time period. 

Should you need to convert your sales, click on Exchange Rates, which will take you to Reuters where you will be able to convert the amount to the proper currency.

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4. If there are no errors or missing fields, the Confirmation of Declaration pop-up window appears. Click on the Accept button to submit the request or the Back button to make any changes.

If you are unable to submit your declaration, verify that you have not missed a field on your declaration or that you have not used a special character when entering your totals (such as a dollar sign or a comma).

5. The status of the declaration period you just completed will now appear as Submitted on the Declare List screen.

If there is premium to be remitted following your declaration submission, your billing contact will be notified via email when the invoice has been generated. Payment methods are also specified on the second page of the Invoice PDF, accessible through the Invoices and Statements portal.

If you need access to the Invoices and Statements portal or to change your billing contact, please have your main administrative contact email EDC Customer Care at

Need help?

Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12