How to set user preferences

Credit insurance help & support


Not all profile types will have the ability to manage user preferences.

To update your profile information and set your preferences, follow these steps:

1. Click on the Manage menu and select Update Profile. 

2. On the User Profile screen, you can update both your personal information and your preferences, including:

  • Default Homepage (the screen you see immediately after login)
  • Preferred Search Criteria, such as the information used for buyer searches
  • Language
  • Date Format
  • Default Country
  • Currency (when consolidating multiple reports into one currency)
  • Amount Format
  • Reporting Set up (when viewing buyer reports) 

You can also update your email address using profile preferences. However, this will not change your login name/ID, which is typically the email address used when first setting up your account. To change your login name/ID, please contact the EDC Customer Care Team.

3. Click the Submit button to save any changes.

4. For your changes to take effect, you may need to log out of the system and then log back in.

Need help?

Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12