Completing the application submission

Credit insurance help & support


Before applying for insurance, you’ll need to register your company with EDC. If you have already registered your company, proceed below:

Complete all eight tabs under Application Submission starting with Sales and Bad Debts, as this tab will prompt additional questions depending on the answers provided.

You will be required to provide the following information.

  • a summary of your sales and bad debt for the current year and the last three fiscal periods, if available;
  • a list of the countries for which you are applying for coverage;
  • a list of your largest buyers for whom you require coverage (maximum of five buyers outside Canada, and, if applying for domestic coverage, a maximum of five buyers in Canada);
  • a copy of your current aged receivables listing the details about each affiliated company whose sales you would like to insure, including the affiliated company’s total sales and bad debts for the last three fiscal periods, if available; and
  • a copy of the organizational structure for the applicant.

Completed applications are typically processed within 10-15 business days. An underwriter will be in contact with you to review the application submission once it has been submitted.

Sales and Bad Debts tab

a. Complete the two questions within the General section as this will inform EDC as to what type of coverage you are looking for. Answering YES will enable additional questions in the remaining tabs of the application. 

Note: If you have already completed the fields in the other tabs and you toggle back and forth between these responses, the answers in the other tabs will be lost.

  • If you are looking to cover your domestic sales, select YES for the question; Are you interested in insuring sales to Canadian companies? 

b. Select the Currency type using the drop-down menu to indicate the currency of the financial information you are providing.

c. Use the calendar when choosing your last completed fiscal year end (not the upcoming fiscal year end date). This will ensure the proper columns are displayed in the company financial information section.

  • If you are a newly formed company and have not completed a full fiscal year end, then select your fiscal year end date and only enter values in the Current year to date column.

d. Fill in all the fields with values to reflect your sales and bad debts. Enter ‘0’ if there are no sales or debts.

Note: Do not enter any characters (examples: $ or commas or periods) when entering your amounts or you will receive errors when submitting the application.

e. Once you have completed this tab, click the Loss History tab.


Loss History tab

f. Under Losses Outside Canada, fill in or select values from the drop-down menus for each field to reflect your company’s loss history outside Canada. 

Note: Additional questions may be displayed depending on the answers provided.

If you’ve indicated that coverage is required for domestic sales on the Sales and Bad Debts tab, a separate section “Losses Within Canada” will be displayed.  The information must be provided separately for losses outside of Canada and for losses within Canada.

g. Once you have completed this tab, click the Credit Management tab. 

Credit Management tab

h. Fill in or select values from the drop-down menu for each field to reflect the status of your current aged receivables and credit management.

Note: Additional questions will be displayed depending on the answers provided.

If you’ve indicated that coverage is required for sales to a Canadian company on the Sales and Bad Debts tab, you will need to provide information about your credit management practices and aged receivables within Canada (i.e. domestic sales).

i. Once you have completed this tab, click the Coverage Requested tab.

Coverage Requested tab

j. Under Goods and Services, fill in or select values from the drop-down menus for each field that most accurately reflects your business. Additional questions may appear depending the answers provided.

  • Do you sell made to order goods that cannot be easily sold to another buyer? This may also apply to you if you are a service provider engaging in complex service contracts that have long, intermittent billing milestones and for which you are incurring significant costs prior to reaching these milestones.
  • What percentage of your U.S. and foreign sales that you want to insure is shipped from Canada (or services invoiced from Canada if you provide services)? This question is not asking what percent of your total sales are exports, but rather the percentage of the export sales you want insured that consist of goods shipped from Canada or services invoiced from Canada.

k. Under Affiliates, indicate whether you will require coverage for sales made by an affiliated company under the policy. If you select Yes, fill out the required fields for that affiliate.

Note: If you wish to add more than one affiliate, click Add and complete the fields for each affiliate added. You may need to use the scroll bar to view all the questions.

l. Once you have completed this tab, click the Country Coverage tab.

Country Coverage tab

m. Under Select the countries other than Canada that you wish to insure, click Add. A blank row will appear where you should select the country from the drop-down list.

n. Enter the Anticipated Annual Insurable Sales amount for that country and select the appropriate Payment Term. These fields will have a direct result on the dollar amount of premium payable and the premium rate established.

Note: To add countries, click Add. You may need to use the scroll bar to see the new line added (if more than two countries are required). To delete a country, click the red “x” next to it.

If you’ve indicated that coverage is required for sales to Canadian companies on the Sales and Bad Debts tab, another section will be displayed called “Within Canada (select the provinces in which your buyers are located)” where you will fill in the required fields and select the provinces in which the buyers you are selling to are located. You may need to use the scroll bar to see the new line added (if more than three provinces are required).

o. Once you have completed this tab, click the List of Buyers tab.

List of Buyers tab

p. Under Buyers Located Outside Canada (maximum of five buyers), enter the information for the key buyers (customers) you would like included under your policy.

  • To add a buyer, click Add and complete the required fields. You may need to use the scroll bar to see the new lines added. If you need to delete a record, click the red “x” beside the buyer.
  • Under Credit limit Requested (rounded to the nearest thousand), enter the amount equal to the maximum amount owing to you by the buyer at any one time. Not your total anticipated sales with the buyer for the year. Note that you can always request a credit limit increase during the policy period.

If you’ve indicated that coverage is required for sales to Canadian companies on the Sales and Bad Debts tab, another section will appear for you to include a maximum of 5 Canadian buyers you would like included under your policy. Complete the same steps as above for Buyers Located Outside Canada.

q. Once you have completed this tab, click the Policy Administration tab.

Policy Administration tab

r. Under the Broker Firm and Contact heading, select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to indicate whether a broker will be involved in administering this policy. If ‘Yes,’ fill out the required information fields for the brokerage firm, address and point of contact.

s. Under General Information, fill out the required information fields. 

  • Select the date on which you want coverage to commerce—select the first day of the month in which you wish coverage to start (policies are always made effective the first day of a given month).
  • Does your financial institution require your claim payments to be directed to them?  When a claim payment occurs, the claim payment will be sent directly to a financial institution designated by you under the policy. This typically is required when your receivables are being margined by your financial institution. If required, you should answer ‘Yes’ to the question. If you have any questions about this, contact EDC customer care.

Note: If required, claim payments can be directed to your financial institution: Answer ‘Yes’ to the question Does your financial institution require your claim payments to be directed to them? to set up this arrangement. If you have any questions about this, contact EDC Customer Care Team.

If you’ve indicated that coverage is required for sales to a Canadian company on the Sales and Bad Debts tab, additional questions may be displayed for you to answer.

t. Once you have completed this tab, click the Accept and Submit tab.

Accept and Submit tab

u. Under the Comments section, you can provide any additional notes or information about your company such as:

  • Details on the reason(s) that led to any large bad debts in the last three years and year to date and how this may have impacted your credit management practices
  • Explain any sizeable amounts on your accounts receivables listing that are greater than 90 days overdue
  • If you answered yes to “made to order products,” explain what a typical contract looks like (payment terms, billing schedule and payment triggers, pre-shipment period)
  • If you have any unique payment arrangements. For example (but not limited to): sales on consignment; dating plan; floor plan; pay if/when paid terms

v. Under Attached files, you can upload relevant documentation, such as:

  • If requesting coverage for an affiliate company: An organizational chart showing ownership structure and percentages among the companies in your group
  • If requesting ILC coverage:  A copy of the irrevocable letters of credit (ILC) you would like to have insured, if applicable (if this document is not yet available, provide the issuing bank name and the name of the buyer(s) applying for letters of credit with bank)
  • The latest financial documents for buyers in the “List of buyers” page that you already in your possession
  • A copy of your aged receivables listing

w. Under the Applicant declaration, carefully review the terms and conditions and then click the I Agree checkbox.

X) When you are ready to submit your application, click Submit to complete the process. If all mandatory fields have been filled out, you will receive an onscreen confirmation as well as an email confirmation with a PDF copy of the completed application.

If there are missing fields, a red ‘X’ will be displayed beside the appropriate tab indicating something is missing.  Click on the tab with the red ‘X’ to go back to it and make the necessary corrections.

Completed applications are typically processed within 10-15 business days. An underwriter will be in contact with you to review the application submission once it has been submitted.

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Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2024-07-19