How to view current and past invoices

Credit insurance help & support


To access your current invoice or past invoices, follow these steps:

1. Login to the Invoices and Statements portal.

2. Once in the portal, select the policy number you wish to view from the Representing dropdown at the top of the homepage.

Your policy number will always begin with two letters (such as SE, SD, CE or CD). If you select the record that begins with numbers, no invoices will display. If you have multiple policies, you will need to view each policy number to view all invoices.


3. Recent invoices are listed on the homepage. 

4. To view a list of all invoices, under the View Activity menu click on Invoices

5. To view the details of a specific invoice, click on the invoice number. This will provide information such as invoice date, due date, current balance and premium date.

6. For a printable PDF version of the invoice, click on the corresponding View Invoice icon to the right of the screen. The PDF of the invoice is displayed in a new tab of the browser and can be saved by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S.     

You may need to unblock pop-ups to enable the invoice to open in a separate tab.

Using Invoice Search you may search all invoices by invoice number, date range, range of invoice amount, and paid status. 

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Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12