How to complete your renewal form

Credit insurance help & support


To complete the renewal form, follow these steps:


You will be alerted to new policy offers by a red bell, visible on the top of your screen at all times. Click on the red bell to go to the My Alerts page to view all currently available offers.

Click View Offer to go directly to the Offer screen (step 3 below).


1. Click on the Manage menu and select Manage Policy.​

2. Click on the Renewal List tab. Highlight the policy line item with status “New” by clicking on it.

Note: If you have both an export and a domestic policy, you will need to complete one renewal form per policy.

3. Click on the Complete Form button.

How to complete your renewal form 1

4. The online Renewal Form has three tabs: a. Country List, b. Additional Companies, and c. Additional Questions.

How to complete your renewal form 2

a. The Country List displays the countries, provinces (if applicable), and payment terms currently covered under your existing policy, as well as the most recent anticipated sales you provided to us. 

You must review and update the anticipated annual sales for each country and province (if applicable) and payment terms that you anticipate for the next annual period. Be sure to include sales made by your affiliated companies (if applicable). 

Removing Countries:

If you no longer require coverage for a country and province (if applicable), or payment term already listed in the Renewal form, enter zero in the Anticipated Annual Insurable Sales field.

Implication of removing countries on your Renewal form

By entering zero for a country/payment term (or province/payment term, if applicable), this will remove all approved credit limits which are located within that designated country/payment term (or province/payment term, if applicable). It will also mean that you are not covered for any sales to that country and payment term (or province and payment term, if applicable) under your discretionary limit.

Two weeks after your renewal has been accepted, you will receive a system generated email indicating which credit limits have been removed. The notification will indicate that the credit limit removal was requested by your company.

If you removed a buyer in error, please re-request your credit limit by following these instructions.

If you removed a country/payment term in error (where you are using your discretionary limit), please re-request your country and payment term by following these instructions.

Adding Countries:

To add a new country, province, or payment term, click on the Add button. Select the country from the list provided and select the payment terms from the dropdown menu. 

Enter the Anticipated Annual Sales (in the Policy Currency indicated) for each new country and province (if applicable).

If you add a country, province, or payment term in error, click on the “x” beside its name to remove it.

b. The Additional Companies tab displays any affiliate companies covered under your existing policy (if applicable).

To add a new affiliate that you wish to cover under the policy, click on the Add button and enter the affiliate company details, including Legal Company Name, Address, Relation to Your Company, Previous % of Ownership, % Ownership, and % of Foreign Sales.

To remove a company, click on the “x” beside its name.

c. The Additional Questions tab displays any financial institutions where claim payments under your policy are being directed (if applicable). If any information is incorrect or if your financial institution requires claim payments to be directed to them, please contact the customer care team.

How to complete your renewal form 4

The Canadian benefits section only needs to be completed on a periodic basis. If it appears on the renewal form, complete the following questions:​

  • The % of ownership
  • The % of U.S. and foreign insured sales shipped from Canada or, if you sell services, the % invoiced from Canada.

5. Once all fields are completed, click the Submit button.

Need help?

Speak to our customer care team at 1-800-229-0575 or

Date modified: 2019-03-12